10 Sept 2010

Heading South - Lightning Bolt

The initiative «Heading South», sponsored by Lightning Bolt and shared by our Bolt Rider David Raimundo, was one of the projects awarded by a Green Fest competition in the category of the «Sustainable Creativity».

The Green Fest event will take place from the 10th till the 17th of October in the Congress Centre of Estoril. The main goal of this event is to promote social, ambient and economics sustainable initiatives and this year they crowned the initiative «Heading South».

Lightning Bolt is proud to be associated to this experience for its original and creative concept of travelling and getting in touch with nature and local traditions. The idea was to ride 218km’s on a bicycle with a surfboard, starting in Tróia and ending in Sagres and enjoying all of the beauty and biodiversity that the Portuguese southwest coast offers.

To enjoy nature and natural resources in a friendly and sustainable way has been always a strong message of Lightning Bolt.
In case you’re interested in attending to the awards’ ceremony as well as to all the activities of the event, you can do it for free.
For more information, please check the website Green Fest and Heading to South

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