12 Feb 2010

Bolt Team 2010

Top Bottom, left to right: Jord “Flying Dutchman” Fortmann, Txaber Trojaola, Miguel Ximenez, Pedro Soares, David Raimundo, Gege Brasset, Teresa Abraços, Léa Mengual, Alexandre “Madxano” Ferreira, Justin Delanne, Maria Abecasis, João Kopke, Nuande “Pekel” Silva, Hadrien Ballion, Ratus Fari, Pumas, Bruno Rodrigues, Joel “Papu” Pereira.

We are very stoked to present the official Bolt Team for 2010 in Europe.
The main novelties are the first ever team riders in France, Spain and Holland, as the brand is now expanding its business in several European countries.
In France, we welcome Jeremy Brasset, Justin Delanne, Hadrien Ballion and Léa Mengual.
In Spain, from the Basque Country, pro-surfer and WQS athlete Txaber Trojaola is our first ever Spanish surfer.
In Holland, Jord “Flying Dutchman” Fortmann, the surf, longboard and snowboard instructor, but also a great free surfer, will hold the Bolt in the cold Dutch waters.
In Portugal, we highlight Teresa Abraços, national champion in 1996, and now a very respected and admired free surfer. She surfs since 1981 and, nowadays, her main objective is to use surf as a strong environmental keeper, but also to spread the sport in the poor coutries.

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